A Ritual for Virility
cast ceramic skull, resin teeth, deer jawbone, preserved raccoon feet, moss, raccoon penis bone
Father's Hands
sculpted stoneware
Nice Guy
leather tanned and tattooed pig face on wood with metal chain
There's A Crack In Everything, That's How The Light Gets InÂ
sculpted stoneware torso with black terra sigillata and sea lion skull
Sassy Princess Butterpants, Defender of the Forest
taxidermied guinea pig, moss, dried flowers, wood
We Worship the New Gods Now
8.5' Oni demon soft sculpture made from recycled plastic grocery bags, bead fringe made from flame-worked plastic bags
Kontomble Spirit Portal
sculpted stoneware arch, cast translucent porcelain child skull, hand-beaded fringe (glass beads, abalone shell, seashell and brass bells), found organic material (coconuts, shells and sea sponges washed up on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean), tealights, jasmine rice, dried orange